A tete a tete with our guardians of Nursery to VIII to gain valuable insight for the new academi...    ||    Admissions Open for Nur to IX    ||    Excellent Results keep the flag of HMSS flying high    ||    Once again, the students attain superlative results on a consistent basis    ||   
  • Fees for each month must be paid by the 7th of the month failing which a fine will be levied for late payment or non-payment.
  • In case of arrears, pupils are liable to have their names struck off the rolls. They may be re-admitted on payment of arrears, a re-admission fee and at the sole discretion of the school management.
  • No deduction is made for the absence of children during holidays or for broken periods.
  • The fee book duly completed must be presented at the time of payment.
  • A fine will be charged if the fee book is lost.
  • Every effort will be made to keep the rate of fees the same throughout the year, but the school authorities reserve the right to revise them if the need arises.
  • Fee for Computer Education will be charged separately
  • In case if fee is due, a student is likely to be barred from the examination and shall be liable to have their names struck off the roll. All due must be paid before each term exam, however early in the month it may be.
  • All dues must be paid before the commencement of vacations else a fine shall be applicable.
  • No reduction will be made for holidays or broken periods.
  • Students are liable to be charged full fee as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
  • Payment by cheque shall not be acceptable.
  • School Transport Facility, if made use of, shall be charged separately

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